David Dillon
Rev. Dillon is Superintendent of the Appalachian District Council of the Assemblies of God and the former director of AD-SOM. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible from Southeastern University of the Assemblies of God and is a member of the university’s Board of Regents. He is an ordained minister and has served as a district youth and Christian education director, pastor, and youth pastor. He also holds a Teacher’s Diploma from the Evangelical Teacher Training Association. Rev. Dillon serves as a member of the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God and is also the former president of the Assemblies of God Association of District Schools of Ministry (DSOM).
Tony Raffa
John Thompson, PhD
Betty Raffa
Joshua Crouse
Joshua is an ordained minister in the Assemblies of God as well as a graduate of Liberty University. While attending Liberty he obtained his Bachelors Degree in Psychology with special emphasis in the areas of crisis counseling, biblical counseling, and life coaching. He has been in active part time and full time ministry for eleven years as youth pastor, associate pastor, campus pastor, and Christian school administrator. Currently he along with his bride of ten years, Casey, and their three children, Malachi, Alexia, and Zoe serve as Lead Pastors at Life Church in Roanoke, VA.